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je priniesť Vám to najkvalitnejšie zprodukcie prírodných produktov. Ponúkame tovar pochádzajú či prevažne z SR ale aj zo zahraničia. Prinášame kvalitné potraviny bližšie k Vám. Celý náš sortiment nájdete na stránke alebo v kamennej predajni.
From Farm with Love
Who We are
Our Vision
Our Mision
A one-stop shop full of all the right choices, NativeFarm is a health food haven with organic fruit & vegetables, organic bread from bakeries, only organic meat and sustainable fish from British waters. Our over-flowing groceries range is full of gluten-free, dairy-free, raw food and healthy options, while our Health & Bodycare department.
A one-stop shop full of all the right choices, NativeFarm is a health food haven with organic fruit & vegetables, organic bread from bakeries, only organic meat and sustainable fish from British waters. Our over-flowing groceries range is full of gluten-free, dairy-free, raw food and healthy options, while our Health & Bodycare department.
A one-stop shop full of all the right choices, NativeFarm is a health food haven with organic fruit & vegetables, organic bread from bakeries, only organic meat and sustainable fish from British waters. Our over-flowing groceries range is full of gluten-free, dairy-free, raw food and healthy options, while our Health & Bodycare department.